Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rakahuri Tourn Term 3 - Basketball, Tennis, Winter Sports Interchange

Fernside Tennis Club AGM
Tuesday, 6th August at 7.30pm. FTC clubrooms - Fernside Hall Pavilion
Please consider attending the AGM. New committee members are always welcome so think about putting your hand up and having a say in the running of the club. It is not an arduous role and the committee consists of an relaxed and efficient group of people so don't feel intimidated. We would like as many people as possible to have an input into our club.
Look forward to seeing you there.Any queries, feel free to contact me on 3131161
Lyn Crosson President


 DATE:             Tuesday 6h August , pp 8th
VENUES:                    Rugby                A&P Show grounds -  Anthea Beecroft, Tracey Casey, Robbie Salton
Players require mouthguards and boots if possible
                                    Football         Maria Andrews Park  - Nadja Zeitheim, Ben/Sarah Davidson           Players require shin guards and boots if possible, mouthguards optional but recommended, hair tied
                                    Hockey           Dudley Park – David Taylor, Annabel Wilson, Kirstie Carpinter   Players require mouthguards, Shin pads  and boots if possible, hair tied
Netball           Dudley Netball Courts  - Gail Power, Jodeen Marshall, Kennedy Proctor, Lou Kerr.   Nails must be cut short and hair tied up.

TRANSPORT            Bus
START and Finish TIMEs:  9:15 a.m. for a 9:30 a.m. start , finish approximately 1:30 p.m
Thank you to our parent helpers who are able to assist us this week.
Thank you for returning the notices so promptly. They were permission slips as well as checking that you had received the notices. There are still some outstanding and they must be in for the student to participate.

All players will be required to wear the Fernside Sports Uniform, have their lunch, 2 named bottles of water and warn clothing.
Ashgrove School will be running a Sausage Sizzle as well as selling snacks. 
Please note that we will be at Maria Andrews and Dudley Park ONLY. Sausages $2.00

Unfortunately we will not be at the Showgrounds to cater to the Rugby Competition, as we just didn’t have enough volunteers to man all 3 locations.  However if parents/caregivers want to pop down to Maria Andrews and purchase a Saussie or 2 they are most welcome to!

 Fernside Tennis Club AGM

Tuesday, 6th August at 7.30pm. FTC clubrooms - Fernside Hall Pavilion
Please consider attending the AGM. New committee members are always welcome so think about putting your hand up and having a say in the running of the club. It is not an arduous role and the committee consists of an relaxed and efficient group of people so don't feel intimidated. We would like as many people as possible to have an input into our club.
Look forward to seeing you there.
Any queries, feel free to contact me on 3131161
Lyn Crosson

Monday Night Soccer Term 4

This is held throughout Term Four every Monday night. A great way to maintain what has been learnt over the winter season or a fantastic introduction into soccer.
Teams are Year 0,1,2 and Year 3,4,5, and Year 6,7,8, there is also probably going to be a girls comp Year 1-4 (if there is enough interest).
Times will be confirmed but start at 4.00pm onwards.

So that we are prepared for term four soccer early. Could you please see Rachele George Room 1 or 2 or email
You have a child who wants to play
Are willing to take a team (manage)
Are planning on organising/putting together a team and what level it will be.
Once confirmed team names need to be chosen.

Please refer to the winter sports page for details of term 3's sports.

Want to make the U13 Canterbury Country basketball team that attends Nationals? Or just play in a local tournament?
Come down to the Mega Centre on August 4th to trial for the U13 North Canterbury Boys and Girls team. These teams will compete in Christchurch against other associations on August 24th/25th.
From here you may be selected to attend Nationals in the Canterbury Country team or go to Mainland Champs in the North Canterbury Mainland team.
Trials are at the Mega Centre on August 4th:
Boys 10am-12pm
Girls 12pm-2pm

Fernside Tennis Club AGM

Tuesday, 6th August at 7.30pm. FTC clubrooms - Fernside Hall Pavilion
Please consider attending the AGM. New committee members are always welcome so think about putting your hand up and having a say in the running of the club. It is not an arduous role and the committee consists of an relaxed and efficient group of people so don't feel intimidated. We would like as many people as possible to have an input into our club.
Look forward to seeing you there.
Any queries, feel free to contact me on 3131161
Lyn Crosson

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