Wednesday, September 19, 2012

get active

There are many new competitions, recreational activities and sports clubs beginning their summer season. Please visit the extra curricular page to find out about some information that arrives at School.
Touch, summer football and netball all begin after the holidays.
Fernside Tennis club opened last weekend as are local cricket clubs.

On a Monday night from 4pm Waimak Football club run a great school soccer competition. This year they are adding a girls only section to the competition. I know a lot of girls from Fernside attended our recent girls funday and are keen to give football a go. 
The Year 0-4 play 5 aside and Year 5-8 play 7 aside with a couple of subs for each team. The teams also need a manager, someone who can be contacted if weather cancels and to do subs. Refs are supplied. I am happy to take names of those interested and pass onto a parent willing to do managing. Please email me asap as this comp starts in Term 4. Please send me  daughters name and year level.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Events assisted by others

Rooms 9 and 10 thank our supporters at Friday afternoon sports interchange.
Because we have to provide one referee for every team entered we were heavily reliant on outside assistance.
A huge thankyou to Rex Mitchell, Gail Power, Megan Penney, Steve Marsh, Russell and Rose Rudd, Harry Proctor and all the parents who came down to watch, washed the rugby jerseys, and paid for transport!

The next events on the calendar are athletics and later the Canterbury Summer Tournament which will be optional.

Please visit the extra-curricular page for outside events.

We have 3 basketball teams participating in the NCJBA Friday Night competition and we thank our coaches, Rosie, Olivia, Brad and Jackson and our managers, Carolyn, Megan, and Kate.