Saturday, November 2, 2013

Tennis Developments in NC and athletes continue to shine - Basketball coaching to learn

Tennis Developments are afoot in Rangiora 
7.30-9pm 21st November in the 
Fernside Community Memorial Hall
Come along to a relaxed and informative gathering to listen to Ron Van Til 
(of Rangiora Bakery & part of the Dudley Pool building group) talk about a proposed 16 court tennis facility in Rangiora. WE are interested in your views on Fernside's involvement. 

Athletics - 10 students have qualified for the Canterbury AThletics Championships in December. Congratulations to Daniel, Ethan, Ruby, Noor, Emily, Erina, Maddy, Alyssa, Hannah, Lily. 
results from the Zone champs - Rakahuri are on the Athletics page.

Basketball - get some assistance in learning to coach basketball teams - see attached page.

2013 ZONTA AWARD WINNERS included past Fernside School student,
Kathlyn Kershaw, now of Marian College. Kathlyn was voted as making
The most valued contribution to a team by a young sports woman or sportsman who is not eligible for nomination for awards in other categories.
The nominees should meet all of the following criteria
      Be a member of a school team, this may or may not be a “ranked’ team in terms of its success
      Be a team member whose contribution to the team is valued for more than individual skills, whose personality traits, reliability, positive attitude, support of the team, cooperation and unselfishness makes him/her a sustaining invaluable link in the teams overall performance.
      Has not achieved selection or recognition based on ability but strives hard to improve his/her own skills
        Plays their sport in a manner that brings respect for themselves and their school, fulfilling codes of sportsmanship and fair-play