Basketball 2018 Fernside & NCJBA

Fernside School participates in the North Canterbury Basketball Association Friday Night Primary Schools’ Competitions, Hoops Skills sessions, Mini Ball (Years ¾ on Tuesdays), Refereeing and Representative Programmes (6 teams last year and numerous students involved in representative programmes.  The School (Sandi and I) look after the administration but
Parents and ex-students coach and manage the teams.  

Teams should be prepared to play games starting as late as 8.30pm and to travel out to Oxford and Amberley. Venues include: Southbrook School, Woodend Community Gym, Amberley Tin Shed, Rangiora New Life, Mega Gyms 1 & 2, RHS Gym, Rangiora Borough School, Ohoka School Community, Swannanoa School and Oxford School Gyms.

All participating teams are school teams. There are two sections: Juniors - years 5 & 6, and Seniors - years 7 & 8.
The teams’ organisation in Term 1 considers social and family requests, but in Terms 3 & 4 teams consider players’ basketball experience and skills to match the structure of the 10 week competition.

Fernside School – TIC Annabel Wilson  

Term 1
This Term 1 season is a round-robin type of competition and is a good season for players new to basketball to try the sport, and develop particular physical skills.
Term 1 and Terms 3/4 competitions are separate - some may choose to enter Term 1, but not Term 3/4, for example.

13 February – notice return                        27 February: Payment due (TBC)

Week 1: March 2
Week 2: March 9
Week 3: March 16
Week 4: March 23
Easter break
Week 5: April 6
Week 6: April 13

Dates for the Term 3/4 season dates (where teams compete for their grade trophy) are:

Week 1: September 14 (grading round)
Week 2: September 21 (grading round)
Week 3: September 28 (grading round)
School Holidays
Week 4: October 19 (competition round commences)
Week 5: October 26
Week 6: November 2
Week 7: November 9
No games Canterbury Ann Day 16 Nov
Week 8: November 23
(FNBB All-Stars: November 24, Saturday)
Week 9: November 30 (semi's)
Week 10: December 7 (finals)

Visit the website for information and draws. Website:
LIKE us on Facebook: NorthCanterburyBasketball
Community Coach Jules Schwalger-Smith 021532176
Operations Manager Caroline Whittaker 027 222 0943

“Adherence to NCBA guidelines should make the Basketball
more enjoyable for everyone.
This competition is about getting as many of our
young people involved in sport and enjoying it.”


Please read the Conditions of entry and associated information 

> Last Return date for registration (not payment)  - Friday 13th February


COST TBC. Dependent on team numbers. This fee covers the BBNZ levy, court hire, administrators, floor controllers, referees.   Please do not pay any money yet as amount will vary according to the number of players.
Entry fee: $300 + gst per team + $5 School Annual Fee for gear maintenance

Payment will be due 27th February and will be approximately $40.00.


Players are required to WEAR MOUTHGUARDS (see notes from ASSN.)

Uniform: Players are required to WEAR THE NAVY BLUE DRI-FIT SHORTS USED IN PE (available at The Warehouse).
Players will be loaned a playing singlet for the competition. There is a $5 annual charge for this. Because players have taken good care of their shirts in the past I do not ask for a bond, so please clean them carefully according to instructions and treat them well.

Practices will be held at school at Fernside on a Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday.

Important information:
How can you support your child?
By coaching, managing, transporting them to and from practices and games, taking your turn on the weekly score bench duty, and supporting them from the sideline. Coaches are always required.
Can you assist? Do you know of anyone that may be able to help? The Assn. provides support in the way of mentoring and materials.
Please read the Friday night Rules and ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY once they are provided.

Responsibilities: For each team entered, we must supply a coach, manager, and a weekly score bench operator.
Referees and floor controllers are employed by the Assn., but each team must contribute a responsible adult to the score bench for their game. Managers are to organise a roster so all parents get involved – we will support you!
The jobs are easily learned and will help you to gain more understanding of the game and be more involved with your child. More details will be given after registration is completed.

Full Rules will be sent home soon.
Return this whole registration page please by Tuesday 13th February

Fill in all spaces and answer all questions please.
·       Please take your turn to manage and/or Coach. Thank you

Player’s name___________________Parents’/Caregivers’ names: _______________

D.O.B.:  _______________Age December 31st 2018  _______  Year at School: _____

I ________________am able to coach or assist with coaching a team.   Yes or No     Please circle one

I ________________am able to manage a team. Yes or No     Please circle one

Email address   ______________­­­­­­­______________________________________

Best mobile #  _____________________________________________________


Code of Behaviour and Commitment for Players

Play by the rules. Respect the rules.

Be a good sport. Applaud all good plays, whether they are from your team or the opposition.

Attend all practices. Be on time for practices and games. Inform coach if you are unable to attend.

Co-operate with your coach, manager, teammates and opponents. Without them there would be no competition.

Thank your opponents for the game. Thank the referees, your coaches, the bench operators, managers and parents for their time in supporting you.

Never argue or voice your disagreement with an official. If you don’t understand,  discuss it with your coach.

You are representing Fernside School. Behave accordingly – the School standards of behaviour apply at all practices and games.

We agree to the conditions and the code of behaviour outlined in the notice:

Player: ___________________ _    Parent: ______________________ *Both to sign please.

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