Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Fernside Students represent the School at Canterbury Cross Country Championships and win in their teams

Last week Jacob, Harri, Lillie, Ashton & Xanthe ran in the Rakahuri Teams at the Canterbury Cross Country Champs that were held at the Halswell Quarry. 3 of our students were awarded Canterbury Sports Certificates. Along with Willa Carpinter,(7/8 hockey) , there are only 4 students currently in the School with one of these highly coveted placings.

From fields of 123 all our runners finished in the top 50. Visit the Cant website for full results.(link on this page)
It was also a team event. Rakahuri finished in the top 5 for every event (21 teams in each category).
yr5B - 5th, 5Girls - 3rd (Xanthe's team), 6G - 2nd  (Lillie's team), 6B - 1st (Ashton's team), 7G - 3rd, 7B - 5th (Harri 7 Jacob's team) and 8G - 5th, 8B - 2nd.

FIFA - football. WE are so lucky to have another  WOrld Cup event in our country. I have enjoyed watching some of the games and attending the Germany v Nigeria Game. Penalties seem such a cruel way to decide a game that I wonder why they don't look at reducing players every 5 minutes or golden goal - too much time I guess.


Rakahuri - I congratulate the efforts of all 20 students running in the cross country event at Loburn Domain today.
Everyone went for it pushing themselves to achieve results they can be proud of. Satisfaction was on the faces of our runners and the team supported and celebrated everyone's successes.
WE await the official results tomorrow but know we have at least 4 students going to the Canterbury event in 2 weeks time.

Lillie Rayner won the yr 6 girls' race over both Rakahuri and Pegasus Zones
Jacob Turner finished 2nd and Harri Silcock 3rd in the Rakahuri Zone.
Xanthe Jane 4th, Ashton Hampton 4th, have also qualified for the Canterbury Cross Country on the 10th June.

Thanks to all the parents who supported the runners and helped with managing and marshalling as well as transport!

Thanks to Janelle and the team at the Mainpower Trust for running the event.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Cross country, Biking Success and Invasion Games

Please visit the Cross country page for results. WE have a team of 21 competing in the NC Champs this Wednesday.

I hope you have taken up an opportunity to get U20 Football World Cup tickets!

If your child attends gymnastics training, they may be interested in entering a Canterbury Schools' Gymnastics competition. For more information please contact Annabel annabel.wilson@xtra.co.nz
Visit the website for more information: www.primaryschoolscanterbury.org.nz

Recently we had 4 students participate in the Canterbury Primary Schools' Duathlon at Ruapuna. They achieved commendable results over the challenging 3 km run and 6 - 9km bike. Notable achievements were in the 11 yr old boys' race of 141 competitors - Jacob finished 7th and Harri 12th!

These same 2 boys competed in a new 6 hour endurance bike ride in Ashburton yesterday.

Harri and Jacob along with their rugby team mate Dominic Pulley from Ashley School. (Dom got 5th at the Duathlon) won the Mid-Canterbury Mountain bike 6 hour Inter-School Challenge. It is the first time they have had a school team class at the event and 
" Fernside School" will be the first school to have its name on the trophy!       6 HOURS!
Each team member did a 10km loop with all 3 of them completing 4 laps each
(40km) over the 6 hour time frame. Their team completed 12 laps as they came
in with 30 seconds to spare! All the other year 7-8 teams did 11 laps!!
What an awesome effort - very proud MUMs on Mothers'Day!

We are enjoying 5 weeks of playing modified football with Karoush from Mainland Football.
Remember to get your  tickets to the upcoming FIFA U20 World Cup events being held here in our own city, Otautahi, Christchurch.

The students have chosen which Invasion Games they wish to play in the upcoming Sports Interchange Afternoons with other NC Schools. We are participating over 5 weeks and look forward to parents supporting us. See the page options for more information.

Rakahuri & Pegasus Winter Weekly sport
5th, 12th, 19th,  26th  June & 3rd July