Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Last sports news of the year - thanks, dates

What a way to end the year.
We have had record entries into our Fernside School Student Tennis Champs
29 in both boys' and girls' singles competitions and 17 pairs entered in both of the doubles comps.
The courts are jamming with students from year 4 - 8 giving it a go!
Our finals are being held tomorrow, and they are hotly contested.

Our 5 basketball teams finished last week and all on a win. The teams worked well together, trusting their passes and getting the rebounds. The Flames and Laker (7/8) finished 3rd in their section while the Thunder won theirs.

Thank you so much to Kelly for coaching the mini ball teams all year.
Thanks to Libby, Megan, Greg, Harry, Ryan, and Mitchell for coaching our Friday night teams.

As well as Ben Hampton being placed 3rd = in the 13 boys high jump, Aleisha Malcolm was placed 4th = and has broken the School record for 12 girls with her jump of 130cm.

The Sports dates for 2015 are set . Please look at the page for further information

Finally, thank you to all the parents who support the students being physically active.
Thank you for transporting them, paying any fees, managing teams and coaching. My number one goal is to provide students with opportunities to play sport, so thank you for making that possible!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Canterbury Athletics Success

Congratulations to Ben Hampton who was placed 3rd equal in 13 boys High Jump at the Canterbury Athletics Championships yesterday.
This is a fantastic result!

All 5 of our Basketball teams have one more game to play and this is a good time to reflect on why the students play the game. They simply play because they enjoy it - being on the court and being with their friends.
We owe a huge vote of gratitude to our coaches and our managers, thank you so much!