Welcome to the Fernside School Sports Blog
YOu will find lots of information about events outside the School that don't necessarily make it into the School newsletter (visit the page on the right) as well as School events and teams.
Please feel free to contact Annabel on annabel.wilson@xtra.co.nz for more information
Swimming and Triathlon are our first events.
The School Swimming Sports are held on 27 February at 10am.
The Community Triahtlon is held on Sunday 24th February.
Basketball runs for 6 weeks - see basketball page for more information.
Weetbix Triathlon information is available from School.
Twilight Football has begun again and here are the results from Term 4 2012.
Thank you to all of the schools and teams that took part in the Monday Twilight Schools Competition for Term 4 2012.
Waimak United Football Club is pleased to be able to support football in schools and are proud to announce that we will be putting over $2000 back into schools in the form of football prizepacks for the winning schools in each section of each grade. This term we had 13 sections - so 13 prizepacks!
Attached is the information for the Term 1 2013 competition, so that you have the dates nice and early. We will also resend this information early in the New Year.
The Term 4 results follow. Some of the leagues were very tightly contested and we hope that everyone enjoyed the opportunity to play some summer football. We are waiting on a few backordered items in the prizepacks but will endeavour to get them to the winning schools prior to the end of term.
Once again thank you for your support.
Final Standings Term 4 2012
Year 0,1,2
Section One Winners: Ohoka Small Whites
Section One Runners Up: Ashley Vikings
Section Two Winners: Ohoka Small Blacks
Section Two Runners Up: Waikuku Wave Runners
Section Three Winners: Ashley Strikers
Section Three Runners Up: Ashgrove Phoenix
Section Four Winners: Fernside Raptosaurs
Section Four Runners Up: Fernside Champion Riders
Section Five Winners: Southbrook Snakes
Section Five Runners Up: Waikuku Wizards
Section Six Winners: Fernside Pink Pussycats
Section Six Runners Up: Southbrook Storm
Year 3,4,5
Section One Winners: Ohoka Red Devils
Section One Runners Up: Ashgrove Lions
Section Two Winners: Leithfield Lobsters
Section Two Runners Up: AC Swannanoa
Section Three Winners: Southbrook Steppers
Section Three Runners Up: Rangiora Borough Boots
Section Four Winners: Fernside Phoenix
Section Four Runners Up: Woodend Flames
Section Five Winners: Ashley Raiders
Section Five Runners Up: Loburn
Year 6,7,8
Section One Winners: Southbrook Strikers
Section One Runners Up: Rangiora Borough Boas
Section Two Winners: Amberley
Section Two Runners Up: Waikuku All Whites