Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Deceember sign off

Greetings to all

I attended the Canterbury Primary Schools' Sports Day at Ashburton Domain yesterday. Children were sprinting across the domain to get to their event and several missed out on track events!
I was left wondering why the sports ar held so far from the majority of competitors but it is a lovely venue and we are looked after well by the athletics club and local School. Thanks AShburton.
The traffic into and around Christchurch was beyond slow!
If ever you need a demonstration on why we needed another bridge over the Waimak drive on the motorway and along Johns Road at either end of the day. It was worth travelling significantly further up to the Waimak Gorge to avoid delays on the return journey!

Alyssa Harnett made her 80m final making the top 8 in the province. I await confirmation of results which will be posted on the Canterbury website today (see link on this page)

Basketball on Friday nights finished last week with the year 5/6 team taking out their section in a convincing manner. The team played as a unit, they thought about their options and listened to their coaches. Congratulations and thanks to Megan and Russell for all your work with the group.
Captains Ella and Lachie T have been a wonderful help with the administration of the Club and we wish them well at High School. The yr 7/8 team have been so fortunate to have the assistance of Libby Upston over the years. thank you so much Libby for your truely positive and commited work with the team.

Our clever students continue to play sports in their own time whether it be cricket, wrestling, archery, tennis or mud runs. Here is news of some of their recent successes.
Lewis Wardle, in yr 7,  won the North Canterbury Table Tennis under 18 championships and also came 2nd in the under 16’s & the under 16’s doubles.
He has also been selected to play for North Canterbury as a bowler & batsman for cricket.
Bailey Watson, also from Rm 9, was selected for the Year 6 North Canterbury Representative Cricket team.
The team will play trial games against teams from South Canterbury in the hope of being selected for the Canterbury Country South Island Tournament team.
Good luck to these boys in their chosen sports and to any other students competing over the summer break.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Tennis Developments in NC and athletes continue to shine - Basketball coaching to learn

Tennis Developments are afoot in Rangiora 
7.30-9pm 21st November in the 
Fernside Community Memorial Hall
Come along to a relaxed and informative gathering to listen to Ron Van Til 
(of Rangiora Bakery & part of the Dudley Pool building group) talk about a proposed 16 court tennis facility in Rangiora. WE are interested in your views on Fernside's involvement. 

Athletics - 10 students have qualified for the Canterbury AThletics Championships in December. Congratulations to Daniel, Ethan, Ruby, Noor, Emily, Erina, Maddy, Alyssa, Hannah, Lily. 
results from the Zone champs - Rakahuri are on the Athletics page.

Basketball - get some assistance in learning to coach basketball teams - see attached page.

2013 ZONTA AWARD WINNERS included past Fernside School student,
Kathlyn Kershaw, now of Marian College. Kathlyn was voted as making
The most valued contribution to a team by a young sports woman or sportsman who is not eligible for nomination for awards in other categories.
The nominees should meet all of the following criteria
      Be a member of a school team, this may or may not be a “ranked’ team in terms of its success
      Be a team member whose contribution to the team is valued for more than individual skills, whose personality traits, reliability, positive attitude, support of the team, cooperation and unselfishness makes him/her a sustaining invaluable link in the teams overall performance.
      Has not achieved selection or recognition based on ability but strives hard to improve his/her own skills
        Plays their sport in a manner that brings respect for themselves and their school, fulfilling codes of sportsmanship and fair-play

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Term 4

Welcome to the season of athletics, tennis, touch, swimming, cricket, volleyball, golf, karate and so many more.

Our 2 basketball teams continue to participate in the NCJBA Friday competition thanks to the efforts of Libby, Russell and Megan and the students' parents. This week we have a year 3 team beginning a mini ball competiton at Ohoka.

The senior athletics sports is on next wednesday 30 October starting with sprints followed by the field events and finishing with the middle distance run at 2.15pm. The timetable for athletics as well as the notice, are on the athletics page.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Get involved in summer sport!

There are a raft of mid-week summer sports options in North Canterbury so why not get a group of friends together and form a team. For students there are numerous midweek options that won't impact on the weekend sports or weekends camping, tramping or boating to name a few.

Already entered as Fernside Teams are Friday night basketball and Twilight football.
Are you prepared to manage a team and/or ref?
No practices are necessary but providing a referee is usually part of the entry.

Here are a few options as well as Sports Canterbury opportunities such as the gut buster!
For further information contact Annabel on

Twilight netball – Monday nights  Please request info from me 
Touch Rugby – Southbrook on Wednesdays or Mandeville on Thursdays Lisa Spark has a set of shirts for a team.
Twilight 20/20 cricket Tuesday nights at Mandeville
Twilight Football - Mondays by Friday 18th October 2013. Year 6, 7, & 8 – playing 9-a-side, max of 12 players per team – intermediate pitch
Softball is played on Saturdays in Kaiapoi -        Juniors start Saturday 19th October 2013

Springtime’s Favourite Fun Run
Mark your calendars for Canterbury's favourite springtime event!  The third annual Northern Outlook Pegasus Fun Run/Walk invites you to enjoy a stunning day out in North Canterbury again in 2013. The date has now been set for Sunday, 6 October.
There is a track to suit every age and fitness level, with three different course distances (2.5km, 5.5km and 10km options).
Again in 2013, the event promises a great atmosphere with live music and entertainment, including plenty for the kids.  A bouncy castle, face painting and Cheapskates Skate Skool will be on hand, as well as a range of food and drink vendors.
It's easy to register on-line.  Register Now
Benchmark Homes Festival of Cycling
On  7 and 8 December, the Festival of Cycling is coming to Christchurch and the Waipara Valley, with new options for young people to have a go. The Individual MTB Challenge (10 years +) has 18 and 26km options. There’s a 10.2km Family Off Road Bike (10 years + or with adult 7 years +) as well as a Family Off Road Run and Trail Run (10 years +). Individual Road Cycling Challenges will also appeal (eight years +)
Gut Busta
On Sunday 29 September, North Canterbury will host a unique adventure race, designed for teams of primary and intermediate students. The obstacle course involves climbing, crawling, sliding, swinging, and plenty of MUD! The cost is $25 per person; register today.


About Sport Canterbury

Sport Canterbury is a charitable trust with offices in Christchurch, Ashburton, Timaru and Greymouth.  We create opportunities for participation, development and sporting success by developing partnerships in our communities.  We believe in the value that sport and physical activity provides to people of all ages across the region.  Our team has a depth of experience in leadership, educaiton, health and sport, to deliver funding assistance, resources, programmes and events that reach over 500,000 people each year.
Follow us on facebook @ Keep Sport Alive In Canterbury

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It is officially Spring ! Coaches look below

We are off to Porters for our ski trip tomorrow! We went and didn't quite get blown off the mountain. We were the last to leave at 1.45 in whiteout conditions. The students were fantastic - gutsy, optimistic and good natured. What a blast!

Punting in PE today -  what a hoot. As we finish our invasion games unit and move into athletics I introduced the game of force back to the students. Some rugby playing students had played before but for most it was a new game that challenged their skills and strategies. Some students commented on not having a ball to kick at home often because the family pooch punctured it!

We start basketball this Friday - tomorrow. Good luck to the Flames and the Bulls. It is the first of 3 grading games. we are looking forward to having heaps of fun! Go Fernside. Thanks to our coaches and managers.

There are many opportunities to be involved in sport, both in the School and in local clubs. (Try golf of softball this year)
If you need to communicate with others to make up a team, send me an email and I will post it on the blog.

Beginning in September we have:
The Fernside Tennis Club Opening Day

Sunday 8 September 1pm  - 3pm (afternoon tea and hit at 3)
At Fernside Tennis Courts
- the club offers beginner tennis, junior and senior competition, Monday night social tennis as well as some other options.

The School has 2 teams entered in the NCJBA Friday Night Competition and that begins in a few weeks.

Rachele George has 10 Fernside football teams entered in a Monday night 5-aside competition.

at Kaiapoi Golf Club
1.30-2.30pm       Men and Womens coaching
3.30-4pm    Kids age 6 and under
4pm-4.30pm Kids aged 7-9
4.30pm-5pm Kids aged 9+ or with more golf experience.
6pm-7pm     Adults coaching

All gear is supplied. 
Kids Golf is only $2 per session,
kindly funded by the N.Z. Communities trust.

CONTACT: Toni Batey Golf Pro 0274382678 or text and I’ll phone you.

Cricket -

Sport Canterbury's Fundamental Skills Advisor Sally Small is running a free coaching workshop for coaches on Monday the 9th of September from 6pm-7:30pm at Mainpower Oval Rangiora.
This is an excellent opportunity for all coaches to come along and get some expert information on best practices when it comes to teaching athletes new skills. The target audience is Coaches of cricketers in the section 1-4 age groups (So basically Primary/ intermediate school cricketers)
It would be great to see a good turnout from coaches from junior coaches from around the district.
To register please reply via email to
Registrations close this Friday 6th of September at 3pm

Touch Rugby
I have just received a registration pack from Mandeville Sports Ground for Touch Rugby on Thursdays and Southbrook runs a touch competition on Wednesdays. (see after School activities page)
If your child would like to Play touch then they may like to make up a Fernside Team.