Saturday, December 15, 2012

Term 4 results and softball contact - 2012 comes to a close

Sport at Fernside has come to a close with the
Canterbury Athletics Championships, Friday night basketball, and the School Tennis Champs.

Of the 9 students who represented us at the Canterbury event, Molly Snowden was placed 1st in the 12 girls' 60m. Congratulations Molly.

Thanks to Rosie, Olivia, Sophie, Brad, Jackson, Megan, Carolyn, and Kate for coaching and managing the 3 teams. Congratulations to the ex-Fernside students who also referee in the basketball competition.
Congratulations also to Ilaria and Caleb for making the NCJBA rep teams who played in a quad tournament recently.

School Tennis Championships results:
Singles winners - Lucas Seaward and Ashleigh Ritchie,
runner-ups - Sam Kershaw and Alex Fabish
Doubles winners - Lucas and Harrison Seaward, Ashleigh Ritchie and Noor Nolten
runner-ups - Ben Rudd and Tom Davidson, Alex Fabish and Mikayla Calley.
Congratulations to the tennis players who have earned a spot in NC tennis rep teams:
Ashleigh Ritchie, Ben Rudd, Tom Davidson, Rosa Davidson

There have been some football teams and Touch teams playing as Fernside School teams as well. The football teams did so well they each won  gear bags full of footballs and goalie gloves.

Two teams recently played golf in the Canterbury Summer Tournament. Thanks to Mark and Ami who made that possible.

The parent and grandparent support for sports' teams in the Fernside Community is a special feature of the area and must be acknowledged and cherished. Thank you to all the adults who give children and our teens the opportunities to participate in physical activities.

4 classes have benefitted from a softball unit over the last 5 weeks. If your child is interested in playing softball our closest clubs are Kaiapoi and Papanui, or visit
Kaiapoi softball club - Wayne Richardson 021370160

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Term 3 sport

9 students qualified for the Canterbury Athletics Championships in 11 events. We congratulate:
Imi, Ashleigh. Angus, Caleb, Jesse, Phoebe, Molly, Eden, Aleisha, Nik and Ruby.

Great results from the Term Four Monday Night School Football competition. The school will receive three Football Prize Packs from Waimak Football club for being Section winners.
Year 0 -2 Section Four            Winners – Fernside Raptosaurs
                                                Runners up – Fernside Champion Riders

Year 0-4 Section Six                Winners – Fernside Pink Pussycats

Year 3-5 Section Four             Winners – Fernside Phoenix.

Congratulations to all the players and a big big thankyou to all the parents.

Athletics Day at Fernside produced some stunning performances. Students made fantastic efforts to reach their personal goals and to improve on their middle distance times.
49 students have qualified for the Rakahuri Sports this Friday 9th November. WE wish them well.
9 School records were broken by 7 athletes.

See the athletics page for results and Rakahuri Notices.

Rooms 8, 9, 10 visit Ohoka School for an afternoon of fun and competition - Top Town 27 November

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Term 3's events


Fernside School Senior Athletic Sports Wednesday 31st October 2012

See athletics page for timetable and other details.

Rooms 8 - 10 Top Town at Ohoka School on 27 November

Softball Coaching in School

Summer Tournament in CHCH for years 7/8 on Nov 21st 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

get active

There are many new competitions, recreational activities and sports clubs beginning their summer season. Please visit the extra curricular page to find out about some information that arrives at School.
Touch, summer football and netball all begin after the holidays.
Fernside Tennis club opened last weekend as are local cricket clubs.

On a Monday night from 4pm Waimak Football club run a great school soccer competition. This year they are adding a girls only section to the competition. I know a lot of girls from Fernside attended our recent girls funday and are keen to give football a go. 
The Year 0-4 play 5 aside and Year 5-8 play 7 aside with a couple of subs for each team. The teams also need a manager, someone who can be contacted if weather cancels and to do subs. Refs are supplied. I am happy to take names of those interested and pass onto a parent willing to do managing. Please email me asap as this comp starts in Term 4. Please send me  daughters name and year level.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Events assisted by others

Rooms 9 and 10 thank our supporters at Friday afternoon sports interchange.
Because we have to provide one referee for every team entered we were heavily reliant on outside assistance.
A huge thankyou to Rex Mitchell, Gail Power, Megan Penney, Steve Marsh, Russell and Rose Rudd, Harry Proctor and all the parents who came down to watch, washed the rugby jerseys, and paid for transport!

The next events on the calendar are athletics and later the Canterbury Summer Tournament which will be optional.

Please visit the extra-curricular page for outside events.

We have 3 basketball teams participating in the NCJBA Friday Night competition and we thank our coaches, Rosie, Olivia, Brad and Jackson and our managers, Carolyn, Megan, and Kate.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sports Update and aren't the Olympics magic!

Update  - Sports Exchange    

Sports Interchange for this Friday 10th August is cancelled 

The Year 7/8 rugby team won their rugby competition and have qualified for the Canterbury Winter Tournament representing the Rakahuri Zone on Thursday 30 August at midday.

Thanks to all the parents who supported the teams - people commented on the wonderful support the students receive from their families.

The Rakahuri Tournament will happen next Tuesday and will not be an all day affair which is easier for families supporting the students. I will keep you posted of developments as they occur.
I have entered the rugby team, (thanks Rex Mitchell for helping out) , a football team, and a netball team. There was not enough interest for a hockey team and we are one adult short for a second netball team.

Sports Interchange on 17 August is likely to be next Friday 10th because many Schools are having TODs on the 17th - awaiting confirmation.

Welcome back to Fernside School and Term 3's Sporting and PE programme.
This term has a strong emphasis on sport, as it is the Olympics season.

Friday night basketball begins with grading games in the last 3 weeks and another round of the enjoyable Hoops programme is on offer at the Mega Sports Stadium. Please watch out for that notice!

Gymnastics/Trampoline – 5 week programme at School and 3 week programme at the Mega GYM/ICE stadium.
The Run, Jump, Throw (athletics) programme follows on from gym and the Olympics.

Tennis for years 3 - 6 is occurring for 3 weeks this term with Ian Also.

Friday afternoon Sports Interchange starts this Friday 20th at 1.30pm- tomorrow. Each team must have an adult with them who is able to ref and manage the team. Can you help us?
Every week we require two adults to assist us. I have had some emails regarding this so thank you. If you could email me about your availability this week, that would be helpful.
We are busing from School leaving at 1pm and returning for 2.50pm
Annabel, Nadja, and David will be accompanying 3 teams each week and our past student Harry Proctor will be refereeing for us at football. 

See page for more details


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Success at Rakahuri Cross Country

Fernside School had a successful day at the NC Cross Country champs. Students worked hard to achieve their goals. WE had whole age groups finish in the top ten runners - 9yr boys (Harrison and Liam Hewitt) and 12 yr girls (Imogen, Molly Snowden and Ashleigh Ritchie). Imogen Eglesfield took the podium with a well earned 2nd place and Harrison Lane finished 6th to also qualify for the Canterbury Cross Country. Ben Borcoskie also finished in the top10 12yr boys. Only the top 6 runners qualified for Canterbury.

The yr 7/8 boys are keen to play bball at the Cant Champs but need a coach for the day. Can you help? See bball page

Thursday, April 26, 2012

cross country, coaching, bball trials, duathlon

Cross country was  held in School grounds on Monday 7 May. Please refer to page on right for results.
22 students will represent the School at the NC Champs on 23 May at the Rangiora N&P Show grounds. Please see page on right for more info.
Considering the training time the students performed well. It was interesting to watch the senior students implementing their plans and strategies, with some good results.

Imi Eglesfield, Ashleigh Ritchie, and Sam Kershaw are absolute stars!
They participated in the gruelling Canterbury Duathlon last Wednesday at Ruapuna.
Imi and Ashleigh were placed 16th and 17th, while Sam was placed 27th.
Congratulations on your excellent attitude and achievement!

Coaching - are you interested in supporting your child or others in the community?
Get along to a free coaching clinic next week - sport
COACH’ workshop 
Gain knowledge and confidence as a coach
Learn the basics of sport coaching and team management as well as sport coaching tips. For teachers, coaches, parents and all students (secondary/tertiary) with an interest in sport. Choice of sports are football, hockey, netball, rugby and rugby league.
Dates & locations:
9 May – Mega Sports Centre, North Canterbury All workshops run from 3:30pm-5:00pm
To register please contact:
Name:            Janelle Crawley


School/ Club or Organisation:            North Canterbury Sport and Recreation Trust

Phone:            03 9755560 ext 1            

P 03 373 5060 E

Canterbury Primary Sports hold a duathlon on 9 May, Rooms 9 & 10 can be represented by up to 8 athletes.

Good luck to everyone with winter sports and activities.
If you are having difficulty finding a sport to interest you, please contact Annabel.

Fernside School Sports’ Notice
2012 Primary Sports Canterbury Duathlon  - May 9

 Four pupils (regardless of gender) per age group can be selected to represent Fernside School. This is a challenging Canterbury event so an entry decision will be made by Annabel, and a trial held if necessary. Entries are also dependent on parents/caregivers being able to transport and be a helper on the day of the event. (1 marshall per School)

Details of Canterbury  Duathlon
    · Wednesday 9 May
    · Ruapuna Raceway 9.15am  briefing, 1pm cycle collection at finish
    · 11 &12/12+ yrs -  run 2km, bike 9 kms, run 1 km
    · Visit for full details and maps
    · Age is on 1 April 2012

Please send the following form back to Annabel by Monday 30th 2012 by email:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Extra activities out os School and cross country

Like Biking?Then try a mountain bike course or race - see the extra-curricular page for more information.

Fernside School's Cross country is on May 7th. It is earlier this year as 4 classes are off to camp!

WE will again be holding it at the Worhtington's Farm on Mt Thomas Road.
I would like to make some course markers - 4 litre paint lids with wire or tent pegs welded on - is anyone able to help me with that?


Imogen, Ashleigh, Sam, and Harrison represented the School at the Canterbury Triathlon yesterday at Pegasus Town - swimming in the lake, biking and then a 2.5km run. There were about 250 children competing but with supporters, marshalls and other spectators the number was calculated at 750!

Results are provisional but will most likely stand. Our athletes were truly outstanding and obviously benefitted from their practices - thanks to Mums and Dads!

Imi was placed 9th/60, Ashleigh 16th/60 - 12yrs girls (2 in the top 20 is an outstanding result!)
Sam was placed 34th/54 in 12y boys and Harrison 45th/79 in 9yr boys.

Next events are the School Cross country on 7 May, and Canterbury Duathlon on 9 May.


Many of our students  represented the School at the NC Swim champs today Monday 12th at Dudley.  The students performed really well often improving on their Rakahuri results. Strong results were achieved by:
Ashleigh Ritchie  12 yrs  2nd relay, 2nd freestyle, 2nd backstroke
Imogen Eglesfield 12 yrs    2nd relay, 2nd breaststroke

Congratulations to all our swimmers and to our wonderful parent helpers!

This does not affect qualification for the Cant Swim champs which are from Rakahuri Zone champs.

Visit the swim page for results!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Welcome to Fernside School Sport and PE

There are rep trials for a SOuth ISland tournament. If you love basketball give it a go!

South Island Primary Tournament Trial Dates

Sunday 26th Feb
McAlpines Mitre 10 Mega Sports Centre
1pm - Boys
2.30pm - Girls

Archery at Mandivelle sports grounds is taking new enrollments for there Wednesday 4-5pm coaching session. So if you have a keen archer contact us via email: or phone: 0226543862 to book your place. Suitable for ages 6+.


Rooms 8,9 10 Team triathlon at School this Tuesday at 10.50am
School PTA Sunday 26th at School
Canterbury School Trial Wed 29 March at School

Does anyone have a petanque set lurking in  shed somewhere that they don't use? The School would like a couple of extra sets.

And croquet?

Senior School swimming sports occur at Dudley Aquatic Centre on 27 February - please visit the swimming page for more information. There will be an X-treme event for rooms 8 - 10 the week after at School.

Local Golf clubs offer excellent support for fledging players so visit your local club - look to the page with after school activity informtaion for more details.

Look out for the Weetbix Duathlon/Triathlon information.
There are also Surf swimming events and the City to Surf run.

So get out there, find something that spins your wheels and do it!
